Our online class experience is truly unique. Each class is typically taught one-on-one and can be taken via screen share from anywhere around the world. You can expect a customized experience to address your specific needs. You will never be waiting for others to catch up or feel like you've missed something important. You will aways get continual guidance on the work that matters to you the most.
Take courses online from the comfort of your home! Work with instructors to get the best day/time to accommodate your schedule.
Have an industry professional show how to create exactly what you've been wanting to know.
Not only are we going to teach you how to hone your craft, we are going to teach you how to find and service clients from around the world.
Do you want to learn how to become an audio engineer or music producer in Pittsburgh? TRCOA can make that goal a reality! Pittsburgh is a beautiful city with an active music scene we will help you tap into. We offer a Recording Arts Program, a Recording Art Associates Degree and variety of Individual Production Classes in Pittsburgh designed to get you on your path to a career. Our one-on-one screen share classes will ensure you have the skills necessary to be confident before setting foot inside a Pittsburgh studio or recording, editing, mixing, or mastering for a Pittsburgh artist. You’ll learn everything from audio engineering, audio editing, audio mixing, music production, post production, live sound, electronic - EDM, hip-hop, DJ production, and much more. If you’re serious about starting your music industry education than look no further than TRCOA!